Thursday, February 7, 2013

Hello (again) world...

I'm sure the "I've been a bad blogger" apology is a recurrent genre....

Since my last post I've changed jobs and am now a lecturer in the Media program at UNSW where I'll be continuing my social media research. I'm also teaching some New Media/Social Media-focused courses: Media Uses and Mobile cultures. Preparing for these is taking most of my time at the moment. Other than that, I've been working on a textbook with Ruth Page, David Barton and Johnny Unger,  Researching Language and Social Media (Routledge) which will hopefully be out at the end of the year. Sometime after May the book on my previous project with JR Martin and Paul Dwyer Discourse and Diversionary Justice: An Analysis of Ceremonial Redress in Youth Justice Conferencing (Palgrave) should be out too.

I guess to properly conform to the genre I should say something like "I'm still alive and hope to post more frequently from now on"!

1 comment:

  1. Since my last post I've changed jobs and am now a lecturer in the Media program at UNSW where I'll be continuing my social media research. Buy Real Instagram Followers
